Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Falls Apart

Posted by Sarah

5:00am- 5 miles on Panera loop- COMPLETED 49:00 (9:48/mile)
6:00am- arms and abs- COMPLETED

I'm sleepy. It's hard getting up that early after virtually no sleep the night before. I'm a girl that needs a consistent 8 hours of sleep. It's going to take me a bit to get all caught up again. Good run this morning. I got a tiny bit dizzy on the turn around, but I slogged through it and didn't pass out. Yay! Day one was successful!

I started keeping my food journal yesterday. I went 74 calories over my new daily intake number. Yikes! I did have a cupcake yesterday to celebrate Ashlynne's birthday. If I hadn't ate that silly thing I would have been fine. Oh well, it was a special day and I will NEVER pass up cake! :) I should be ok today as long as I don't blow it at lunch or dinner. I am eating lunch with a girlfriend today but I think I can talk her into someplace not too bad for me. Not only that, but I did burn roughly 500 calories this morning in my run. That's nice and gives me some wiggle room. Documenting your calories really does make you realize how fast they add up and just how many I consume when I don't pay attention.

I'm going to purchase a new Garmin after work today. Yes, that's right. I'm buying a new Garmin with a heart rate monitor. Ouch. I've been shopping around online and in stores since this weekend and it is just a painful bite in the checkbook no matter how you look at it. Ry has mixed feelings about the purchase. He doesn't want to pay for a new Garmin either, but on the flip side this means he'll get my current Garmin and that makes him excited. It's time to purchase Deena #2. I've been tossing around whether I'm going to get a 405 or a 305. Until this morning I decided I was buying a 305 from Amazon. I got online to make the purchase and they hiked the price $40! No way! With my discount at our new running store I can get the super cool new 405 for only $30 more. So, I'm going with the 405. Double ouch. I know I'll be more excited about the purchase once I have it in my hot little hands, but until then it's giving me heartburn. :)

Our new church service starts this Sunday. I'm very excited. If you're in our area I invite you all to come! Ry is playing and the band is A-MAZING.

TODAY I LOVE: running for charities- I need to find one!

SONG OF THE DAY: "Falls Apart" by Thousand Foot Krutch